How long can a woman safely take hrt?

This usually happens 2 to 5 years after starting hormone replacement therapy, but this may be the case. On average, women live 30 years after menopause. At one point, HRT was expected to prevent several disorders associated with old age, such as heart disease, dementia, fractures, and cancer. However, we now know that hormone replacement therapy has no significant benefits in these areas.

The United States Preventive Working Group no longer recommends long-term hormone replacement therapy for the prevention of these chronic diseases. Most people usually take hormone replacement therapy for five years or less. However, there's no set duration and it can vary depending on the severity of your symptoms, the type of hormone replacement therapy you're taking, and your preferences. Hormone replacement therapy is generally safe and effective for long-term use, especially when started at a younger age and taken with the lowest effective dose.

If you develop a new medical condition while taking HRT, see your provider to discuss whether it's still safe to continue taking HRT. For most women, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a safe and effective option for relieving menopausal symptoms, which can be nearly disabling and last for years. However, other studies have shown that hormonal hormone therapy can be safe and effective if used in the long term, especially when a person starts using it at a younger age and with the lowest effective dose. However, since the early 2000s, the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) suddenly interrupted research for safety reasons, there have been conflicting messages about the risks of hormone therapy.