How long do you have to stay on hormone replacement therapy?

The goal is to be in the. Some women can continue taking hormones for two or three years, while others will need five to seven years, or maybe longer. The goal is to take the lowest dose that will treat and control symptoms so that the benefits outweigh the risks. On average, women live 30 years after menopause.

At one point, HRT was expected to prevent several disorders associated with old age, such as heart disease, dementia, fractures, and cancer. However, we now know that hormone replacement therapy has no significant benefits in these areas. The United States Preventive Working Group no longer recommends long-term hormone replacement therapy for the prevention of these chronic diseases. Currently, the choice to use hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is very personalized and is based on women's needs and potential risk factors, says Dr. For-profit anti-aging clinics, in particular, have seized the opportunity to market hormonal supplements, even to women who shouldn't use them, Howell says.

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) recommends that hormone replacement therapy, either with estrogen alone or in combination with progesterone, be administered at the lowest effective dose and for the shortest time possible to meet treatment objectives. Hormone replacement therapy consists of pills, sprays, gels, or vaginal products that contain estrogen alone or combinations of estrogen and progesterone (a combination of hormone replacement). Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) helps reduce annoying symptoms and prevents bone demineralization. It may begin as early as age 30, stimulated by natural processes that gradually decrease hormone levels, or it may occur abruptly through surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries, leading to menopause almost overnight.

For most women, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a safe and effective option for relieving menopausal symptoms, which can be nearly disabling and last for years. However, continuing combination hormone replacement therapy for more than 3 to 5 years increases the risk of breast cancer. Hormonal hormone therapy involves taking estrogen and, if you still have a uterus, another hormone called progestin (progesterone). Finally, in the last two years alone, an explosion of media coverage began to change public opinion to favor hormones again.

At this time, the body reduces the production of estrogen and progesterone, the hormones that control the reproductive cycle. However, according to the American Cancer Society, that same combination of hormones can increase the risk of breast cancer. Stopping hormone replacement therapy gradually reduces the chances of symptoms becoming problematic again.