How long will i need to stay on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (bhrt)?

Usually, the granules can last 3 to 4 months for women and 5 to 6 months for men. The duration depends on factors such as metabolism, weight and activity level. The granules last for months, so you don't need to be treated often, just a few times a year. The duration depends on factors such as metabolism, weight and level of activity.

It has been shown in research studies that taking hormones comes with risks. It can increase the risk of blood clots, strokes, and gallbladder diseases. The risk of heart disease and breast cancer may also increase if you are older or if you use hormone therapy for a long period of time. Many health care providers who use bioidentical hormones say they are safer than traditional hormone therapy treatments.

However, there have been no large research studies on bioidentical hormones to demonstrate evidence of this. Each patient's symptoms are unique, as is each patient's journey toward hormonal optimization through BHRT. Most patients receiving bioidentical hormone replacement therapy report some relief in as little as four weeks, but full optimization can take up to six months or longer. Some claim to feel the greatest benefits after the second insertion.

The bioidentical hormones for our hormone granule therapy are customized to fit your patient's specific needs. These additional hormones have not undergone adequate testing and are not included in any FDA-approved product. Tests to evaluate hormones are used together with symptoms to better evaluate hormonal problems and inform about treatment. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can help alleviate symptoms of hormonal imbalance by raising hormones to their optimal levels.

For example, your healthcare professional may recommend regular saliva, urine, and blood tests to evaluate your hormone levels. Currently, hormonal tests are not required to prescribe conventional hormone replacement therapy, which is defined as estrogen replacement therapy, and its use is authorized once periods have become very rare or have been completely interrupted. The SWAN (study of women across the country) measured urinary hormones during the menopausal transition for more than a decade in women who were not using hormone therapy. The use of hormone therapy to treat other symptoms or problems is considered an “off-label” use, and it is the physician's responsibility to ensure that there is sufficient scientific data to support its use in a given situation.

In addition, the lack of FDA oversight of compound hormones creates additional risks with respect to the purity and safety of bioidentical composite hormones. The use of any type of hormone therapy is a decision made between you and your healthcare provider after carefully weighing the risks and benefits. Look for a Biote certified provider to begin regaining well-being with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Bioidentical composite hormones are being advertised as a safer, more effective, natural and individualized alternative to conventional hormone therapy.

Because these hormones are perfect replicates of the ones you currently generate, your system won't resist them and you'll only feel fewer adverse effects. This means that their effects are more consistent with your body's normal biochemistry than those of synthetic hormones. That's why it's important to do blood tests throughout the process and to have a doctor experienced in BHRT closely monitor and treat you to avoid misdosing the hormones and treat any problems. This contributes to the myth that compound hormones are safer when healthcare providers are not aware of all the possible side effects of these hormones.