How much weight can you lose with hrt?

It won't prevent hair loss either, it won't stop wrinkles or stop it. Hormone therapy (HT) will not help you lose weight nor is it indicated for weight loss. It also won't prevent hair loss, stop wrinkles, or stop the aging process. In fact, hormone therapy may contribute to slight swelling in the midsection in some patients.

While hormone therapy does not cause weight loss, there is some evidence that it can help redistribute fat from the midsection to peripheral sites, thighs, and buttock region. Unfortunately, hormone therapy isn't the magic anecdote. The best advice is to follow healthy eating practices and exercise regularly. There are many women who are concerned that weight gain is a side effect of hormone therapy.

However, several scientific studies show that there is no direct relationship between weight gain and menopause itself. It's common for women to pack on a few pounds when they reach menopause, but there are several ways to lose that weight and maintain a healthier weight during and after menopause. Hormone replacement therapy can help you achieve your weight-loss goals in many ways if you have symptoms of menopause. Several studies have found that hormone replacement therapy during menopause can have a major impact not only on weight loss, but also on the amount of fat the body stores and where.

Let's talk about how hormone replacement therapy can help you lose weight. It's clear that hormonal changes and imbalances can be a critical challenge for women over 40 to lose weight. If your family members also have more weight in the abdominal section, especially after menopause, you are more likely to do it too, if nothing is done to prevent it. Meanwhile, if chronic stress impedes your weight-loss efforts, a hormonal health specialist will start by analyzing your cortisol levels.

However, there is evidence that low estrogen levels can also slow down metabolism, which can make it difficult to lose weight. Because low hormone levels can cause changes in the way the body stores and distributes fat, they can also cause additional weight gain. A large scale study conducted in Finland found that weight gain during menopause and the perinopausal stage was associated with the onset of hypertension, regardless of initial weight, level of physical activity, or hormone replacement status. I thought about undergoing hormone replacement therapy for several years, but I was discouraged by the alarming stories about cancer and the increase of weight.

When lifestyle changes prove insufficient to correct midlife weight gain, personalized hormone replacement therapy can help you overcome this potentially dangerous development and help you to feel like yourself again. As hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, fluctuate and decrease, you may find it harder to maintain lost weight. Hormone replacement therapy can help resolve many of these sleep problems during menopause, which can help you lose weight by making it easier to choose a healthier diet and exercise. If you have fatigue due to menopause, hormone replacement therapy can help alleviate symptoms so that you feel more energetic and can better control your weight through diet and exercise. Basically, this complements natural hormone levels during menopause to help alleviate many of the symptoms and health consequences of menopause, including weight gain.

Managing your hormones with hormone replacement therapy can also help stabilize and even improve your mood so you can eat healthy and exercise to lose weight. In addition, many women find that hormone therapy alleviates symptoms that interfere with weight loss, such as fatigue, sleep disorders, and mood symptoms, and allows them to make the decisions necessary to lose unwanted pounds. If a thyroid condition is frustrating your efforts to lose weight after age 40, getting a specific and accurate diagnosis is critical.