Is diabetes a contraindication for hormone replacement therapy?

We concluded that, while MHT is not approved or appropriate for the prevention of type 2 diabetes due to its complex balance of risks and benefits, it is. Summary · Effect of menopause on. Insulin resistance (IR) is closely related to diabetes mellitus. On the other hand, increased visceral fat during menopause is also associated with IR, making postmenopausal diabetic women at great risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

There are conflicting reports about the effects of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) on IR. Differences in the population studied, the type and route of administration of hormone therapy, and the method for measuring insulin sensitivity may explain the disparate results of estrogen replacement in glucose metabolism. In addition, estrogens have been shown to improve vascular wall function9, and oral, but not transdermal, estrogens reduce plasminogen inhibitor type 1 (PAI) concentrations in non-diabetic postmenopausal women. These results suggest that hormonal hormone therapy may have a beneficial effect on glycemic control in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes.

Increased visceral fat is associated with insulin resistance, and this preferential storage of abdominal fat may contribute to cardiovascular disease and diabetes in postmenopausal women. Conclusions In postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes mellitus, combined continuous HRT has beneficial effects on lipoprotein concentrations and improves some markers of coagulation and glycemic control. In a cross-sectional study conducted on 694 women with diabetes, of whom 10% were regular users of hormone replacement therapy, a tendency to increase triglyceride levels was observed in women currently receiving estrogen, although this effect was less marked in those using combined treatment with estrogen and progestogen. Despite extensive work done in rodent models on the beneficial effect of estrogen and estrogen receptor (ER) activation on glucose homeostasis and diabetes prevention (10, 1), the exact effect of menopause on glucose homeostasis in women is still unclear. These are critical future directions that will lay the groundwork for improving therapies for menopause and diabetes.

However, hormonal changes in some women can cause menopausal changes, such as having more weight in the middle area, especially, and higher blood pressure. There is some evidence to suggest that hormonal hormone therapy may be beneficial in treating menopausal symptoms in women with type 2 diabetes. The most comprehensive review of existing research dates back almost 10 years and found a lack of evidence on the use of hormonal hormone therapy in women with type 1 diabetes. Large randomized controlled trials suggest that menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) delays the onset of type 2 diabetes in women.

We suggest that you discuss the possibility of hormone therapy with your family doctor or team specializing in diabetes, who can explain the risks and benefits to you, taking into account all aspects of your history doctor.