Avoid visible fat from meat, butter, fried foods, pastries, packaged snacks, and cookies. Sugar, which also limits estrogen metabolism and is harmful. Like any medication, the hormones used in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can cause side effects. However, it's common for it to have no side effects or to have only mild effects.
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How often should you do hormone therapy?
Gordon Gaydosh2 minutes 14, seconds readHormone therapy is most commonly used to treat common menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes and vaginal discomfort. Hormone replacement therapy is a medication that contains female hormones.
What is bhrt good for?
Gordon Gaydosh0 minutes 44, seconds readPeople who undergo not only BHRT but any hormone therapy may be at risk of developing blood clots and gallbladder diseases. A compound pharmacy is a special type of pharmacy where BHRT remedies can be tailor-made; therefore, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can be precisely tailored to your needs and doesn't have to be the same for everyone.
Are there any age restrictions for taking hrt?
Gordon Gaydosh2 minutes 48, seconds readWomen who start hormone therapy at age 60 or older or more than 10 years after the start of menopause are at greater risk of suffering from the above conditions. You may be able to control menopausal hot flashes with healthy lifestyle approaches, such as staying cool, limiting caffeinated drinks and alcohol, and practicing regular, relaxed breathing or other relaxation techniques.
The Pros and Cons of Hormone Replacement Therapy
Gordon Gaydosh1 minute 27, seconds readHormone replacement therapy is a medical treatment used to help ease menopausal symptoms. Learn more about the pros and cons of hormone replacement therapy.