What is the primary downside to hrt in adults?

Risks of hormone replacement therapy · Blood clots may occur in the legs and lungs (similar to the risks associated with taking hormonal contraceptives). However, there are risks associated with the use of hormone therapy. These risks depend on the type of hormone therapy, the dosage, the length of time the medication is taken, and individual health risks. For best results, hormone therapy must be adapted to each person and reevaluated from time to time to ensure that the benefits outweigh the risks. The prevention of new-onset diabetes mellitus with menopausal HRT is a particularly important primary prevention strategy for CVD, since metabolic syndrome and insulin and glucose dyscrasy, as well as new-onset diabetes mellitus, are common manifestations after menopause and represent the main causes of CVD and morbidity in women (73, 7).

Consequently, HRT is a sex-specific and time-dependent primary preventive therapy for CVD, which concomitantly reduces all-cause mortality, as well as a variety of other aging-related diseases, diseases with an excellent risk profile. The ACOG also recommends that women who choose to use HRT use the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time. Hormonal hormone therapy involves taking estrogen and, if you still have a uterus, another hormone called progestin (progesterone). Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a medical treatment given to women to replace the decline in estrogen and progesterone levels that is common with the onset of menopause.

Not only do the data provide strong and consistent evidence of the beneficial effects of menopausal hormone replacement therapy when it starts close to menopause, but they also ensure long-term safety. The survival curve of the Danish osteoporosis study shows a statistically significant reduction in cardiovascular disease by 52% (HR, 0.48; 95% CI, 0.27—0.8) after 10 years of randomized hormone replacement therapy (HRT) (estrogens with or without progestogen) compared to the absence of HRT and a reduction of 39% (HR, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.39—0.9) after 16 years of total follow-up (10 years of randomized treatment and 6 years) of post-intervention follow-up) (2.When started before a woman reaches menopause (during the transition to perimenopause), HRT reduces the risk of this fuel exchange and can halve a woman's risk of Alzheimer's disease. Talk to your doctor about how hormone therapy is working for you and if you have any new symptoms or side effects from hormones, especially vaginal bleeding. The Women's Estrogen for Stroke Trial (WEST), the only randomized controlled trial designed with stroke as the primary outcome of the trial, showed that HRT had no effect on preventing secondary stroke after 3 years of randomized treatment in high-risk women with a non-disabling stroke or a transient ischemic attack 90 days before randomization; the women were, on average, 71 years old and 20 years after menopause (30).All-cause mortality was reduced by 43% (HR, 0.57; 95% CI, 0.30—1.0) after 10 years of randomized HRT and 34% (HR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.41-1.0) after 16 years of total follow-up (2) the Cochrane group validated and confirmed the meta-analyses, which also showed similar reductions in all-cause mortality (30%; 95% CI, 5% — 48%) and in coronary heart disease (48%; 95% CI, 4% — 71%) in women who start hormone replacement therapy.

The DOPS provided evidence from direct randomized trials in women (with an average age of 50 years and 7 months postmenopausal) similar to that of observational study populations on the beneficial effects of HRT on CVD, with a low risk when it started in or near menopause and continued in the long term. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), one option to combat some of the symptoms of menopause is hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Lipid-lowering drugs, especially HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins), which are the basis for primary prevention of CVD in women, are a good point of comparison with hormone replacement therapy to understand the role of hormone therapy in the primary prevention of CVD. Hormone replacement therapy focuses primarily on replacing estrogen that the body no longer produces after menopause.