What is the safest form of hormone replacement therapy?

Because estrogen creams are absorbed through the skin and go directly into the bloodstream, they are safer than oral estrogen for people. Hormones are chemicals that are produced by endocrine glands. They are messengers that tell other parts of the body how and when to act. Hormones affect many systems and functions in the body. Even the slightest imbalance can cause symptoms that interfere with your day.

Health care providers may recommend hormone replacement therapy as a treatment for these symptoms.

Bioidentical composite hormones are advertised as a safer, more effective, natural and individualized alternative to conventional hormone therapy.

These additional hormones have not been properly tested and are not included in no product approved by the FDA. However, MHT does not fully restore the premenopausal hormonal environment, given the complexities of reproductive and biological aging, and has a complex pattern of benefits and risks that vary depending on the patient's formulation, dosage, and risk factor profile. The FDA recommends not using hormone levels to guide the dosage of hormone therapy in women, as normal levels fluctuate from day to day.

If you have a side effect that you can't control or that doesn't go away in a short time, your hormone level may be too high. However, there isn't much evidence to support that bioidentical hormones are the same as those in conventional hormone therapy. For example, if you still have a uterus, estrogen will be given in combination with the hormone progestin. This contributes to the myth that compound hormones are safer when healthcare providers are not aware of all the possible side effects of these hormones.

If you use a patch, cream, or gel, you may feel itchy or red around the area where the hormones are applied. The optimal type of hormone replacement therapy is the same as that of the body: the hormones are the same as those that occur naturally in the body. In particular, salivary hormone levels are known to fluctuate and have not been shown to be related to menopausal symptoms. The goal of bioidentical hormone therapy or conventional hormone therapy is to replace these lost or low hormones.

The best type of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) depends on your health condition, your symptoms, your personal preferences, and what you need to complete treatment.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT

) is not a treatment that fits all treatments; the type and dose given will vary depending on your needs. There are many types of estrogen therapy in many different forms: pills, patches, suppositories, and more.